Many years ago the body of an unidentified woman dressed in black was washed up on the beach in Bournemouth. All that could be discovered about her was that she’d been a nurse. It seemed likely that she’d simply walked into the sea to end her own life. Deeply moved by this tragedy, I wrote the poem below for the Bournemoutth Echo.
The Lady in Black Nobody knew where the lady was born; Nobody knew why she’d been so forlorn Or why when she died there was no one to mourn
The Lady in Black.
Nobody knew where she’d lived out her life, Nor could they say if she’d been someone’s wife Though after she’d gone speculation was rife About the Lady in Black.
She walked out one morning to look at the sea, Saw the wild waves and the gulls flying free ...
And thought of the things that never could be For the Lady in Black?
Perhaps there were problems she found hard to mention With tricky solutions beyond her invention. At last now in death she has got our attention - The Lady in Black.
We may not discover the reason she came
To our town where her fate was this posthumous fame, And maybe we’ll never be able to name The Lady in Black.
But all should remember this nurse’s last day; How much did she give that none would repay? We owe her at least a sad moment to say: Farewell to the Lady in Black.
- Michael Shenton